moment js need help hiding the booked time

I am working on creating an appointment application using momentjs and I don’t want to show the time that is already booked. I was able to do using a while loop but I have to pass by the index number for each time. Is there a shortcut way to do this if the bookedTime is more than 2? This is what I have so far. Any help will be appreciated:

const get24HoursTimeWithInterval = (
  interval = 30,
  startHour = 0,
  endHour = 24,
  bookedTime = [],
  timeToPrepareForNextWork = 0,
) => {
  const startTime = moment(startHour, 'h:mm A');
  const endTime = moment(endHour, 'h:mm A');
  const bookedBeginTime = moment(bookedTime[0], 'h:mm A');
  const bookedEndTime = moment(bookedTime[1], 'h:mm A');

  if (endTime.isBefore(startTime)) {
    endTime.add(1, 'day');
  const timeStops = [];
  if (bookedTime.length > 0) {
    while (startTime < bookedBeginTime) {
      timeStops.push(new moment(startTime).format('h:mm A'));
      startTime.add(interval + timeToPrepareForNextWork, 'minutes');
    while (bookedEndTime < endTime) {
      timeStops.push(new moment(bookedEndTime).format('h:mm A'));
      bookedEndTime.add(interval + timeToPrepareForNextWork, 'minutes');
  } else {
    while (startTime <= endTime) {
      timeStops.push(new moment(startTime).format('h:mm A'));
      startTime.add(interval + timeToPrepareForNextWork, 'minutes');
  const slots = timeStops;

  return slots;
console.log(get24HoursTimeWithInterval(30, 0, 24,['12: 00 PM', '1:00 PM', '1:30 PM', '2:30 PM'], 10))
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