HTML5 datalist: Show all options in dropdown when arrow clicked

There are a few solutions out there to display all the options in a datalist dropdown when a value is set and the down arrow is clicked. But none of them dealt with the case when a placeholder was already set initially.

I have therefore adapted a solution so that the initial placeholder is restored.

How it works:

  • Down arrow clicked: Set a placeholder with the input value and clear the input value
  • On mouseenter event: Save the original/initial placeholder value
  • On mouseleave event: Restore the input value and restore the initial
    placeholder, if the input value is blank.

My question is, if you see any flaws or unhandled cases in this code.

function dlRestoreValue(i) {

    let t = $('#' + i);
    if (t.val() === '') {

        if (t.attr('org-placeholder') !== t.attr('placeholder')) {

        t.attr('placeholder', '');
        if (t.val() === '') {
            t.attr('placeholder', t.attr('org-placeholder'));


function dlShowAllOnArrowClick(i) {

    $('#' + i)
        .on('click', function(e) {

            let t = $(this);
            if ((t.width() - (e.clientX - t.offset().left)) < 14) {
                if (t.val() !== "") {
                    t.attr('placeholder', t.val());
            } else {

    .on('mouseleave', function() {

    .on('mouseenter', function() {
        if (!$(this).is("[org-placeholder]")) $(this).attr('org-placeholder', $(this).attr('placeholder'));


<script src=""></script>
Favorite color:
  <input type="text" id="favcolors" list="colors" placeholder="Pick a color">
  <datalist id="colors">
   <option value="Blue">
   <option value="Brown">
   <option value="Cyan">
   <option value="Green">
   <option value="Orange">
   <option value="Pink">
   <option value="Purple">
   <option value="Red">
   <option value="Yellow">