How do i make my bot delete embeds and not my messages before them?

I’m beginner in js and I’m trying to make my music bot delete embeds made by embedbuilder function. Example: I’m using play command and bot has to send 2 embeds first one saying it’s searching and then second showing results. It deletes my command and then…crash

throw new DiscordAPIError(data, res.status, request);

DiscordAPIError: Unknown Message

I’m new to Dc js v13 btw
Here’s embed builder function code

function embedbuilder(client, message, color, title, description, thumbnail) {
    try{   let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
        .setFooter(client.user.username, client.user.displayAvatarURL());
    if (title) embed.setTitle(title);
    if (description) embed.setDescription(description);
    if (thumbnail) embed.setThumbnail(thumbnail)
    return{ embeds:  }).then(setTimeout(() => message.delete(), 5000));
}catch (error){

This code is result of me trying to find solution.Now “play” command code

else if (command === "play" || command === "p") {
        embedbuilder(client, message, "#fffff0", "Searching!", args.join(" ")).catch(console.error)
        return, args.join(" "));

And code making bot show results

.on("searchResult", (message, result) => {
        try{    let i = 0;
        return embedbuilder(client, message, "#fffff0", "", `**Choose**n${ => `**${++i}**. [${}](${song.url}) - `${song.formattedDuration}``).join("n")}n*I will wait*`).catch(console.error)
    }catch (error){

I wonder if making separate timeouts would be better, but I already tried to and I gave up.
discord.js: 13.3.1 (v12 before for long time, new to v13)
distube: 3.0.4
By the way how do i fix that?

if (message.content.includes( {
       return message.reply(new Discord.MessageEmbed().setColor("#fffff0").setAuthor(`${}, My prefix is ${prefix}, please type ${prefix}help to see my commands`,{ dynamic: true })));

When i try to ping my bot it says
throw new DiscordAPIError(data, res.status, request);

DiscordAPIError: Cannot send an empty message