Vue 3 mobile event listeners and swipe

In Vue 3, I want to trigger a function when a user swipes left / right. (I made a calendar and interested in having months changed on swiping)

I found this package: (npm install vue3-touch-events) but it’s not working and I get the following errors:

and imported the relevant packages in main.js:

import Vue from "vue";
import Vue3TouchEvents from "vue3-touch-events";

and in public/index.html:

    <script src=""></script>

after that, in main.js
If registered as:


then I get the error: “Maximum recursive updates exceeded in component …”
And the event won’t be fired.

If registered as


then I get the error “export ‘default’ (imported as ‘Vue’) was not found in ‘vue'”
And the event still won’t be fired

What’s wrong? How to implement it right or make a solution in another way?
(@starttouch and mobile event listeners seems to not be supported in Vue 3)