How to properly structure logic in redux?

There is an action to update an item:

reducers: {
  ITEM_UPDATED: (state) => {

Then it becomes necessary to update not one element, but several, which solution would be more correct here:

  1. Create thunk for updating several elements and from there call the update of each one by one:
const updateItems = () => (dispatch) => {
  const items = axios.get('...');
  items.forEach(( item ) => dispatch(ITEM_UPDATED, item))
  1. Move the handler for updating the element into a separate function and reuse it.
const handleItemUpdated = (state) => {

reducers: {
  ITEM_UPDATED: (state, item) => handleItemUpdated(state, item);
  ITEMS_UPDATED: (state, items) => {
    items.forEach(( item) => handleItemUpdate(state, item));