Array searching and slicing

Given a string nums that contains only digits and an array of numbers predefinedNumbers, I have to add colons in nums to construct a new string, where each number between colons has to be a valid number from predefinedNumbers and return all possibilities

EX: nums = “143163421154143” predefinedNumbers = [“21154”, “143”, “21154143”, “1634”, “163421154”]

Output: [ “:143:1634:21154:143:”, “:143:163421154:143:”, “:143:1634:21154143:” ]

So far I tried this code but it’s not the result I need and I’m stuck trying to understand how to go over it recursively.

Any hint is very much appreciated.

let nums = "143163421154143";
predefinedNumbers = ["21154", "143", "21154143", "1634", "163421154"];

let newArray=[];
function makeNumSentences (nums, predefinedNumbers) { => {
        if (nums.includes(item)) {
makeNumSentences("143163421154143",["21154", "143", "21154143", "1634", "163421154"])