JavaScript event deprecated on function with parameters [closed]

I was given two functions that are nearly identical, but one uses a parameter.

function handleBlur() {
  const list = event.currentTarget.closest("#nav ul");
  if (!event.relatedTarget || !list.contains(event.relatedTarget)) {

function handleDropdownBlur(btn) {
  const list = event.currentTarget.closest("#nav ul");
  if (!event.relatedTarget || !list.contains(event.relatedTarget)) {

I was able to change the first function to work properly by simply adding event as the function parameter.

function handleBlur(event) {
  const list = event.currentTarget.closest("#nav ul");
  if (!event.relatedTarget || !list.contains(event.relatedTarget)) {

How would I change the second function to not warn of deprecation?

I tried adding event as both a first and second parameter, but this breaks the functionality.

The function is called later in the code like this:

dropdowns.forEach((dropdown) => {
  const list = dropdown.querySelectorAll("li a");
  list[list.length - 1].addEventListener("blur", (event) => {