Easy Online Search Job
This job is very simple. I have a research project coming up and need participants for it, your job is to find me acceptable candidates online.
I’m looking for people who experience permanent forms of things like the following: enlightenement, nonduality, mystical consciousness, unity, and so forth. If you don’t know what this is, you probably shouldn’t bid because you won’t be able to search effectively.
You will:
0. Start immediately and work quickly
1. Search online
2. Compile a list in Excel or a similar program and send it to me.
The list will include the person’s name, the URL you found them on, and their email address.
Pay will be $1 per person found with an email address.
I would like between 100-250 people to be found.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m only going to pay for people who match the criteria established, so you should communicate with me often and have me check what you’re finding and listing.
Good places to start:
Publishers like this, in which every author qualifies and most likely has a homepage/email that can be found:
There are also several authors here that are good to collect (example of a non-specialized publisher with interests in this area):
Amazon is also an easy place to find these people, and is probably the easiest place for you to start. Authors generally have web pages, etc. and want to be found for promotional reasons. Also look under the “Customers also purchased” section. There will be plenty that are from similar authors in that section of the page. Also keep an eye on publishers, you will find some that specialize in these authors (like the examples above) and that will make things even easier.
Once you’ve exhausted Amazon…you’ll have a very good idea of how to search for this types of peoplein Google.
PMB with any questions!