I Need 50 Articles – Cc1-sl
I need 50 original and unique articles that are structurally and grammatically correct. I will provide a phrase/keyword that each article should cover.
All of the 50 articles will be about different topics. The articles need to be at least 500 words in length and have at least four paragraphs. You will also need to include a 15 (average) worded short teaser description/intro of the article.
I would expect you to use the internet and all of it’s resources for any research.
The articles MUST be unique. I will not pay for nor accept articles copied from somewhere else. I will confirm this using copyscape.com,articlecon.com and my own software. So if you feel that you can not write grammatically correct articles in English that are original, please do not bid. Poorly written articles will always be rejected and the project cancelled, wasting both of our times. So do not bid if you can only write in broken English.
The project guidelines need to be followed exactly.
In your bids, please place the TOTAL cost that you expect to be paid for the project and the TOTAL time you expect it will take , not the cost per letter or time per article.
Please put a sensible “delivery within” time, as overtly optimistic timescales suggests that you do not understand what is required.