Multiple Writers 4 New Forum
Launching a new online forum. Looking to hire multiple writers to serve as new users and initiate conversations and threads on this forum message board.
Each writer would create 25 users. Each user would post 4 messages. Total of 100 posts.
Messages are brief. Need only 3 sentences to 10 sentences.
The 9 key themes are:
1. mentoring
2. change
3. overcoming fear
4. leadership skills
5. harnessing adversity
6. become more enthusiastic in life
7. helping others
8. enhance your creativity
9. improving confidence and self esteem
So these are the eight major “categories”.
Within each category, you can create “topics”. Writers can create as many topics as they wish, as long as it ties in somehow with the category.
I will be starting several topic conversations (“threads”), and writers can respond to those or they can start their own topics.
More instructions available to those writers interested in participating. We give you the instructions and steps on how to create the accounts, how to create a new topic thread, etc.
The only hassle is having to log out and log in as another user.
The overall purpose is to get our forum and message board up and running. By approaching it this way, we hope to get the ball rolling.
Feel free to ask any questions.
Flat fee of $20 to each writer for the above.