Ten Easter Articles This Week

Ten Easter Articles This Week
I need 10 Articles on Easter topics written THIS WEEK. Each article should be 500 words and SEO Optimized to the titles that we will assign you. You will provide all 10 articles in a single Word file.

Absolute Minimum Writing Requirements:

I. US Standard English usage expected: edited for grammar, spelling, punctuation

II. Informal journalistic style writing (not academic) – Creative writing skills are a plus

III. Must be familiar with American Cultural, Moral and Social standards and concepts

IV. We will reject any article that does not meet these standards and will not pay you for them.

V. You will be responsible for communicating your timely project progress


1. We will assign article subjects/topics to you in batches of ten and expect to fix delivery date at that time.

2. Each article will focus on one or two “key phrases,” usually found in the title provided; writer will add a subtitle fitting to topics covered; writer will be expected to peruse out website to learn about writing styles, standards and our target audience.

3. Prior to writing, Google the key phrase or similar phrases and read/scan five or more of the top articles on the topic. Your writing must include CREDIBLE information (not your opinion). DO NOT simply rephrase content from competitor sites. Use CopyScape to verify that your content is 500 words or more in length and 100% original (we will give you access to our copyscape account if you need it)

4. Write a cohesive organized article using a regular essay format (ie. intro paragraph, 3-5 body paragraphs, conclusion). Write in an informal, upbeat, informative journalistic style and may include creative, descriptive phrasing and appropriate examples.

5. Add some basic SEO formatting:
—Bold the keyphrase in the opening paragraph and 1-3 other times (about half of the occurances) and italicize it once in the article
—Find 4-7 keyphrase variants or derivatives in the article and bold them each once (plurals, possessive, change the order of the words, add words before or after, etc)
—Add bulleting or breaks if needed for lists to maintain graphic flow, etc. of article
—Do NOT alter fonts or colors, etc.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an article contract writing position. All publication AND COPYRIGHTS are retained by us upon payment. When you write for us, you transfer all copyrights to us, and we can use and resell this content as we see fit, including publishing it under any name we choose.

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