Build 3 Basic WordPress Sites

Build 3 Basic WordPress Sites
I am looking to have three basic e-commerce wordpress website built.

They will all use:

– wordpress
– have the shopping cart set up with paypal
– have web forms with optin using infusionsoft (its a CRM email software system like aweber and icontact)
– all be editable from the backend by someone who doesn’t know a lot about html code, templates or css

Here are the three websites. Only one requires more than 3 pages.


This is a shaker bottle website that I want built to look like

The website is for the brand Perfect Shakers. People can come to the perfect shakers website and order various types of shaker cups. I want to be able to easily upload the different styles of shaker cups and to be able to change the colour of the lids like on (

We have 4 products we are going to sell on this site, but plan to add 10 more in the near future so the website needs to be built in a way that we can easily add products to the website.

The website must have all the basic features such as:
email optin for a free report, right on the homepage. Then when the person opts in, I want a second page created where they can opt in to a second offer. The second page is only visible when the person opts in to the first free report offer.
about us
contact us
shopping cart (paypal)
site map
The ability for people to post reviews about each of the products that we add to the sites. (I imagine with wordpress this can be done very easily)
A page where we can add news
be able to create invoices
product details page (a summary page that has all the products on one and then an individual page for each shaker bottle) (If possible I would like the person visiting the site be able to upload their logo and see how it looks on the website)
(If you look close at the website you will get a good idea of what I am looking for)

I also want the email address service(at) created and have it set up to receive emails by webmail.

The next two website are very basic and are more of opt in pages/sales letter pages. They are almost exactly the same so you can just create the same one twice on two different domains and I will change up the text where needed. I would like both of the websites created to direct the website visitor to the same opt in, offer, shopping cart and checkout pages. I do though want to be able to track where the person came from who gives their email or makes a purchase.

2. and

This is a one page sales letter page that directs people to opt in to give their email and to purchase the free shaker cup offer.

Attached is a word document for these websites. It is to be created like a sales letter type of website, where the visitor can opt in with their email in many places and click to purchase the offer in many places, especially at the bottom of the site. Please refer to other websites like this for ideas:

I would like the email opt in to pop up as well just like on the above website.

So the person reads through the offer and at the end decides to get the free marketing kit.

Along the way there are other opportunities to opt in the email list (infusionsoft web form)

When the person decides to buy, they go to the shopping cart and enter in all their info and get the free shaker cup offer I have, they just pay $9.95 for shipping.

I can talk over skype as well about the project if you wish.

Looking forward to your bid.


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