Convert Html To WordPress

Convert Html To WordPress
I need someone extremely good and experienced at this procedure and I need it doing very soon, so, please only bid if you can start in the next few days.

I need to convert an existing static html+css website to a fully functional wordpress site (Xhtml), allowing for dynamic page update in all.

Unfortunately I can’t accept bidders with no feedback for this project as the job is too important to take a risk on unknowns.

The site images are in the attachement. The images have hints explain the functionally of the sections. Please be sure to understand everything before make your bid.

I think the most difficult part of all it is integrate a calendar with posts ;), put a carrousel to list some post image links and a login\register system for new users access the site. The others pages have some categorys, maybe sub-category and posts of these ones.

That needs to be port to the last version of wordpress and look exactly as the html I’ll send, the html is perfect.

I have all ai from the 9 pages, but i think you will not need since i will provide the html+css. If there are more pages it will be only two to complement that one’s like a page showing an all posts list.

If you know you can do it to an excellent standard for sure, please place your bids. If I like the job certainly more projects will come for you.

PS.: I won’t provide a develop environment. Develop it in your own server (desktop) and send me in parts to evaluate the job.

Thanks for attention and sorry any confused or misspelled words.


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