Quick WordPress Work

Quick WordPress Work
I am looking for a wordpress specialization as I need to make some small changes to my blog(s).

1. I want my fshare, twitter, etc done just like how it is on articles on techcrunch.com. They are already on the sites. I just need to fix the placement.

but i want to add yahoo buzz up button

I already have the design ready to show where things should go

2. I need to delete my forums links…receiving too much spam

3. I want the article tags to show up just before the article like they do here
Tags: Gadgets, Apple Tablet, Mobile, Big Tech, Apple

but I also want them to show at the end..

4. I want a topics link on every site top left hand corner like the dropbox on mashable.com

that will show the topics of all the sites in my blog network and take the user there to those individual sites

5. google custom search. Just want to add that to the blogs.

6. navigation tabs will be modified to make the site easier to navigate

7. post the last news and most popular news from the news section on the main page as well.

8. install rss2blog

I already have the design psd ready. Once we do one, it should very simple to update the other blogs as they all have the exact same things only with a different name.

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