WordPress Portfolio Blog Theme

WordPress Portfolio Blog Theme
I am looking for a programmer to develop an already half produced WordPress theme (portfolio inc. blog type of site). Unfortunately I have been let down by a previous developer and the need for the theme has become very urgent. The previous developer has already created static pages already with the functionality I am looking for (although not fully pixel for pixel). Ideally I’d be interested is working with a developer who will be comfortable taking the work which has previously been done and converting the static pages into a fully functional WordPress theme.

A brief description of what is need is below:

Homepage Template 1
The homepage features a featured work area which will cycle through specified projects, and also displays a latest blog post inc image with text. Directly beneath is a filter grid of projects all tag with related categories. on interaction with the filter (Design, Interactive, Motion etc), the grid fades out and consequently fades back in with the results of the filter – this work has previously been done by developer I had (.js)

Homepage Template 2
Alternative to template 1 this template has a top area allowing the user to input vimeo video / html / images etc. This area is basically there to showcase latest video.

Work page
This page is the result from clicking on the grid from the homepage. Image to the left and text to the right. Page shows related projects below the text in the right column

Blog index
Using the same grid structure this page is a standard blog image right column, text to the right, sidebar on the right.

Blog post page
Standard blog post page with ability to leave comments and related posts.

Designs will also be posted for the site to be fully completed as per designs. Core functionality has been done in the statics attached.

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