WordPress Plugin Programmer

WordPress Plugin Programmer
I am looking for “at least one” WordPress plugin programmer (multiple winners are a possibility) to start working on a part-time to full-time basis.

Preference will be given to those who can handle a full-time workload and are able to give their full focus to my projects.

Part-time exceptions can be made, but will based solely on experience and proof of experience, as well as focus.

My current projects will last a minimum of two weeks and most likely I will require help for at least a couple months.

To qualify for one of positions avaialable, you must first be willing to work during a timeframe that matches mine in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

I am online most of the day, but prefer to not to have to work past 2AM nor begin before 10AM, so your day must start and end somewhere inbetween in EST.

Second you will need to supply a working porfolio of “WordPress Plugin” related work you have done in the past.

This DOES NOT mean “installation” of WP and it’s plugins or design of a theme!

This should showcase SPECIFIC experience of “customizing” WP plugins as well “creating” WP plugins from scratch.


Please supply the details to these specific WP plugin projects you have worked on in your PMB, including Scriptlance project links and external examples of how these projects turned out.

If you add links to “Private Projects” or projects outisde of WordPress, please add detailed descriptions of the links, so I know WHAT you have personally customized and created.

If you did “everything” please tone it down to a component level(custom or new) as well languages / plugins used to create components.

Beyond having WordPress plugin skills, you must be also showcase your skills with AJAX / JSON / JQuery and custom scalable CSS in your porfolio links..

ALL of my plugins require unique ways to gather and display data from MYSQL and use all of the above to complete those tasks.

WordPress plugins will also require a LARGE amount of “ADMIN Configuration” to ensure that all features and settings can be EASILY configured by “Novice Users”.

Most of the confiruation ideas will be taken from existing GNU licensend plugins, however you will still need to create some new concepts, as well as configure the options to work with the customized code. AJAX, JSON / JQuery will also be heavily used within Admin.

Lastly, you must be online in Skype during your agreed work period and will need to utilize your own task management software to keep track of what you are doing and how long it is taking you.

This is so I can determine you strengths and weaknesses and adjust the workload accordingly as again, there will most likely be multiple people working on the same projects.

Communication and availability will play a very large part in my decision, as well as past experience. You must have 10+ reviews which related to the work involved for me to even consider.

Test period will be one-full day with an agreed upon project, with escrow based on the steps you can agree you can complete during your test day. If you pass the test, I will commit to weekly escrow with daily releases, again based on agreed upon steps that you will complete during this time.

DO NOT BID until you we have discussed your skills in PMB. Again, communication and attention to details, so if you don’t pay attention this detail, you will already be out of the running.


Please mention in your PMB, your hourly / daily / weekly / monthy rate as well as the amount of hours you expect to offer per day / per week.

If you have less than 40 reviews on Scriptlance, ensure that you in clude very descriptive explanations of your example projects, including the compontents you configured and what languages / plugins you used.

If you have any further questions, please also send them in a PMB.

I do not want any delays based on “miscommunication”, so I will also use the content in your PMBs, as a reflection of your current level of communication, so please be clear and consise.

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