Site Redesign And Seo: Zencart
I current have a tattoo supply company that is listed on most major search engines at the top. I would like somebody knowledgeable in php zencart to not only redesign the site graphically but also target an audience that perhaps I may not be reaching do to me not being listed on top for keywords that I may be missing.
My site is very commercial and uses zencart as the storefront. I would like to keep the basic white structure but almost like a walmart for tattoo supplies is what I’m going for. I am looking for a either an individual that is either knowledgeable in photoshop design etc or a team with php experience.
I always have lots of ideas and monthly the specials etc. will change. I also need someone knowledgeable in php to implement the many programming ideas I have.
If interested I would like to see some of your work, please quote price on bid for finished product graphics etc. this includes any stylesheet changes templates etc. And the cost of the SEO and what is included. Escrow payments or paypal no problem. Thank you.