Re-do An Existing Website

Re-do An Existing Website
Current Website URL to be provided upon contract bid acceptance

1. Website must be in html script
2. Use template as attached
3. To be created – 3 pages which are just text intro pages – Contact Us, Terms and Conditions, Refund Policy pages. 6 pages of text in total
4. 18 – 22 pages will be created as software product pages
5. Website must be 100% correctly created for proper search engine optimized (SEO) in all respects. Website must be fully SEO optimized /SEO built into website – alt image SEO text, h1 titles, h2 titles etc, URL name titles per page, meta tags, description etc through the communication and recommendations will be provided by website owner
6. Website content to be provided by website owner. Developer to provide standard email indicating what is needed, website owner fills in the blanks, such as –
Product Review
Are software updates included
Current Customer Reviews
7. When the website is being completed, it will be posted on a test website URL for review ability by the website owner. After reviewing the completed website, the website owner’s SEO expert will provide SEO modifications required in one email to you, the developer………before escrow is released . This will be a one-time change ONLY and no more than 2 hours of your time – text based changes (website title, website search engine description, meta tags, keywords, body content etc, alt tags).
8. Website content will be content written by website owner and provided to website developer. Website developer will insert text on to appropriate pages and position it professionally and make it a very eye appealing page
9. 10-25 cross links will be placed within the website linking one page to other pages within the website …..using keywords
10. Web developer must provide a start date and an end date for this project
11. Web developer must communicate with website owner daily if possible – developer must ask for text, images………… whatever is needed from the website owner to complete a webpage or website.
12. The main page will contain an RSS feed, created by the website developer. RSS feed Title, Descriptions will be provided to website developer by website owner
13. If any additional SEO enhancements are required, after the website is lauched and indexed by Google, the website developer will complete these at no additional cost, this will be a one time change. All required changes must be provided to the developer for a one-time revision in one email which will be text based changes (website title, website search engine description, meta tags, keywords, body content, alt tags).
14. If the webpage template to be used has menu options that are not currently utilized such as Comments, Services, Events, Newlinks. The website developer will provide the website owner with their recommendation of what content can be inserted here for maximum SEO effectiveness of the website. The website developer will implement these changes at no additional cost. For example, keep an area called News and Events but call it Customer Product Comments, we can insert some customer comments of products
15. The format of bottom page footer links must be put at the bottom of the website …..utilizing menu selection wording and keywords (such as seo software contact us, best seo tools refund policy)
16. Please send a mock up test page for one of the software products to the website owner for review. The website owner will then review, and provide the website developer with a standard product page format. All product webpages will be in this standard format
17. For each product……. The website will display an image similar to the below structure. The template, or a jpeg image will be created by website developer for each product


(product image jpeg)
Product Review – product name
Ease of Use show a jpeg star image (3 of 5 stars)
Software Updates show a jpeg image (4 of 5 stars)
Customer Support show a jpeg image (2 of 5 stars)

The above text can be put into a table format with lines, and placed to the right of the jpeg product image. Once again, each product will display an image similar to the above structure and be placed at the beginning of the product review. Exact title and wordings to be provided by website owner.
18. Please look at the attachment……the Far left column 1st column
Shows whatever, delete it and it will now show multiple product images as follows

(image) — Product Name – title
-> link to Product Review
-> link to Customer Comments

19. From the template attached, Column 2 will be eliminated and left as the new format shown above, left aligned with some white space left on the right side so it is not too close to column 2. The size of the column width will then be cut in half
Column 3 and 4 will be combined to become one wider column…………the product reviews will go here in this new expanded column

20. On SW2, Web Services will disappear, don’t need this
We will then use the extra space from the deleted web services area and join up the quick connect area to become 1 area……and with this ……..The Quick Connect area will disappear…………..then this new expanded area will become a Customer Comments area
and will show

Program name
Customer Comments (showing just the first line)

For example

product Name – Analysis & Optimization
“ Perhaps the best product I Have bought in some time. It Was so easy to use and it made It so easy…….”….click here for more

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