Biz Social Networking Site 2

Biz Social Networking Site 2

I need to have business social network similar to with a different design. In terms of design, I want It looks more like Web 2.0 stylish – so to speak: pastel colors, relatively bigger size of text, etc. Therefore, What I hope to have is that Xing structure and functionalities implemented with netvibes color scheme.(grey background, blue, green pastel colors, etc.. of course it shouldn’t look like a candy store either since this is a business network:) you can ask for extra info in detail before a bid). Here is the list of requirements that I need to have:

– All Xing functionality and web page structure with NetVibes color scheme
– Full Facebook connect implementation: identity, friends linking, story publishing etc (
– a backend system/CMS/admin section..whatever you call it. which provides an interface for non technical people/roles to manage site and community
– banner rotation management in admin module (targeting by country – language- gender- age- income level – education level – seniority level , etc..)
– SEO optimization
– high performance

Here is the key. I have already started to development. I used an open source social network .NET and converted it according to my needs bit by bit.It is pretty cool, and easy understand architecture with
— DDD(domain driven design) and n-tiered architecture
— .Net 3.5, Linq to SQL for Repository Layer
— SQL server
— most of social networking structure is already implemented..friends, profiles, messaging, groups, caching, much more…so basically you need to do some adding extra code, like jobs, questions…etc., but nothing like implementing it from scratch!!

I did convert some part and did necessary code implementation, but I can not continue due to some busy schedule. There is a book/documentation of this open source project which goes into every detail. SO for a professional developer it shouldn’t be a problem to finish this project..But I definitely need a senior level developer who has great experience on c#, .NET3.5, LinqToSQL, and caching logic(MemCached is used), Jquery(Jueryy used for Ajax calls not Microsoft Script) and creative designer. I will provide details about project with private messages..

Technical Requirements:
– .Net 3.5, SQL server 2005, C#, Linq to SQL for repository layer, MVP pattern for Presentation layer
– Full testing including Load/Stress, profiling etc. Before deployment, I need to be sure that site can handle heavy user scenario
– Help with uploading and setting up the site on host server

I expect this project to be done till end of january although, might be little flexible

I would like to work with a company rather than an individual due to that this will be an ongoing project. First release will be considered Alpha 1 release, and there will be 1 or 2 more Alpha releases based on user feedback within 6 months. Then 1 Beta release and finally full launch. I don’t want to find a new provider for every single time.

My max budget is $500 for this release. There will be other releases (for sure..not just a typo!), and there are also some other tools development (facebook app, iphone app, outlook plugin, browser plugin..etc.) requirements within for this project. I will negotiate the cost for each new case. Therefore, please take it into consideration.

I need developer team to have their own development environment, so they can show me what they got during the process. Also, I need weekly plan/schedule, daily status update reports. I expect to professional approach to project management.

I am open to any of your questions before bidding in case you need to ask.

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