Upload WordPress Theme/plugins

Upload WordPress Theme/plugins

We would like this Theme… http://seojobsnow.com/wordpressthemes/wordpress-theme-mag-mix.html and to add:

* Comment filtering
* Automatic emailing of postings to subscribers using google’s mailer [it currently does this well.]
* Calendar
* Donate button
* Games and jokes like in the one she has now [some plugins are in there already but we need more.] to be put in a games page.
* Chat capability [filtered] [plugin already in but we need to secure it with the overall registration]
* Existing Logo with new color scheme to match theme colors
* Existing Posts and pics to be transfered. Cannot be lost.
* Profile creator with gravatar function [already uploaded]
* There are other plugins that were downloaded that should be considered and I would like suggestions of any other standard plugins that we may not have considered.
* Keep in mind that we intend to have the ads on all pages, so do not omit that from existing theme.
* Also, need to be able to collect the emails from subscribers and any other data that is available.
* We will need One full hour of scheduled tutoring included with bid.

We have uploaded several plugins that are already there. The theme that is currently there was not uploaded well, so the site never worked well. We want the site to be essentially the same as the theme Demo except for the few changes we have asked.

The profile pages of subscribers is one that should be a category of its own. We would like the ability to grant authoring authority to each profile if wanted [something that I believe is already doable], but this should not be automatic.

This site is for my daughter… which is nine years old. It is for her to connect with her friends that live elsewhere now because we have moved. It needs to be a safe and secure place. The filtering plugin that we have downloaded is to keep bad language out. We may not have chosen the best, but there are many. We need your expertise to determine that.

Thank you for bidding.

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