Template Redesign +blog Design

Template Redesign +blog Design
Hello Bidders,

I am just new in posting a project at GAF. I have a very important project that’s need to be done soon. What I need right now is to redesign the Template that created. The first template is for the homepage, the other one is for the blog section. I attached here the template that needs to redesign and the image for the BLOG Header.

Please be creative, the website is about selling spiritual books I am completing right now. I don’t have any references but this more on spiritual/metaphysical/quantum in nature. I want to have the illusion of a glass path that is seen from the perspective of the traveler’s eyes.

The path can begin to “disintegrate” as it moves further into outer space and become just mist or stars or whatever effect you think is striking, as long as it is not “cartoon-like.

I would be appreciated receiving an mock up (redesign version of the template I created and blog template) The best design and the chosen designer can have a chance to work the complete website including flash and e-commerce pages. So goodluck, please don’t bid if you can’t provide a mock up. Thank you very much.

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