Flash Modifications

Flash Modifications
Hello i am looking for a Programer who is Exellant with Adobe Flash CS3 & CS4 in Action Script programing,

Here is wha i need,

I have a Video Voice Chat Software that is made with Flash and Php, i have all Source Codes .fla files.

I need some one who can Add Color in Each Group Type of Useres
Exaple: Right now All my Admins, Moderators, VIP Useres and Registred Useres they have All Same Color and same Font Type.

I need to Add Different Color in Each Type of Usres For Example
Admin –> Will be Bold RED
Mod —> Bold Blue
VIP –> Green
Registerd Usres —> Orange
Guests —- White

I want to be able to Change These Colors option in admin panel Feature too.

Please Pm me for Live Demo,

Project Will Be PAID in FULL once i Accept that is Done Right.

I need all Codes that you add it and Read Me file for Feature Referance..

Happy Bidding.

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