A Php Script Similar To Rs/mu
Hello Freelancers,
I require a PHP Upload script similar to RS/MU, this script CANNOT be a rip off of someone’s work and must be your own.
Features include:
Users – Groups ( configurable settings )
* Sign up through online form, account info automatically sent by email after payment reception
* Auto generation of valid accounts thrugh all supported Payment Gateways
* Download Files instantly
* Bypass all site ads
* No download restrictions
* Ability to add password to protect page
* Ability to create File Folders
* Ability to password protect File Folders
* Ability to send the link to up to 1000 friends at once
* Ability to rate files
* Ability to upload files (up to a size that you define)
* Ability to download files
* CAPTCHA Image Verification ( if you so choose )
* Downloads restricted (Amount of allowed MB per time hour defined in config)
* Ability to add file description
* Ability to add file password
* Ability to rate files
* Create new usergroups
* Enable/Disable all features of XtraUpload per usergroup
* Download managers supported
* Download Resume supported
* Download Threads limit
Administration Panel
* Ability to view all uploaded files and delete unwanted ones
* Ability to add premium users
* Ability to make premium users admins and vice versa
* Ability to send email to all users at once
* Ability to restrict certain file types
* Ability to change all config options in admin section
* Ability to add and manage servers
* Ability to add/suspend/delete Adverts
* Ability to add/delete news articles to the news page
* Ability to manage payment gateway settings
* Ability to install and manage XU Mods
* Ability to edit/add/delete orders
* Ability to Block/Allow All features for usergroups
* User Has Option to Select Payment Processor
* Ability to turn on/off Payment Gateways
* System emails you when there are problems
* Paypal Supported
* 2CheckOut Supported
* Authorize.Net Supported
* Stormpay Supported
* Moneybrokers Supported
* EGold Supported
Download Area
* If password is set, the guest is prompted to enter the password for the file in order to download
* Guests can view the descriptions left by the uploader
* Countdown before file is allowed to be downloaded.
* File cannot be downloaded more then once per wait time.
* Files cannot be directly downloaded using their file links
* Impossible to defeat wait time system.
* Ability to restrict downloads for free users
* Ability to restrict download speed for free users
* Ability to force CAPTCHA image verification before downloading
Login Area
* Secure login
* Forgot Password form that automatically sends a new password to th eemail account on file.
* If user is admin , a Admin panel link is displayed
Premium Area
* View / edit personal information
* View uploaded / downloaded files
* Check if URL is still valid
* Cancel Premium account — This feature shows to the user the cancellation process
* History — Shows last payment and account expiration date
* Quick View of Account
* Add / view / delete file folders
Upload System
* Renames file to make overwriting of files non existent. All original file names are kept.
* Multi server support
* Real Progress bar to keep users informed of upload progress.
* Option of PHP or CGI base file upload system
* Can Upload using a FLASH .swf file ( Does Not Work Yet In Opera )
* Flash Upload Automaticly Tells User of an invalid File.
* Can Upload From URLs
* Progress Bar for URL Upload
* Uploads are prechecked to comply with extension rules
* All upload methods can be disabled/enabeled
Template System
* Fully Templated theme system, basd on Smarty
* Multiple Theme Support
* Themes are compiled for even better performance