Picture Rating Site

Picture Rating Site
I am looking at getting a hand coded picture rating/sharing site made as i already have the domain, hosting and logo prepared.

Here are the details of the project.

I’d like people to be able to post pictures for public view so they can both vote between the two of them in a quick battle war and also give them votes out of ten. The vote is done by clicking which picture looks better or the rating out of ten they wish to assign the picture. The win/loss results or rating are shown on the following page under the menu, and the next picture battle or picture is shown.

When someone submits a picture they are required to accept terms of agreement, give a picture name, email, and the picture. If the picture is too large it should submit a picture that is automatically resized. If the picture is too small it should auto decline and ask the user to resubmit.

I would like the option of user side login’s, as well as backoffice admin access so that the admin can accept or decline submissions based on criteria manually.

The information should be kept in a database. It should have name, email, photo, date submitted, number of battles,number of votes, wins, % wins, losses, % losses, draws, % draws, rating.

The menu up the top should be like puppywar.com but it should also have a drop down feature. This would be so people can choose between the top picture by rating and by battle wins.

But I would like to have Best of the current week and worst of the current week as an selection as well as Best/Worst of all time.

This needs to be well documented programming, interface should be simple.
This website should be fast loading and the backoffice must be easy to use.
Backoffice should have a list of all submissions and easy to approve or decline.

I would like the site to have the feature of commenting on pics and discussion back and forward between members. This would be along the lines of a very simplified facebook feel where members login and see their own page. On this page it would show any comments on thier pics, the rating of thier pics and any messages sent to them by other members.

I already have a logo, but I’m open for suggestions. Again, it’s a simple interface, it should be sleek and fast loading, but very well programmed at the same time.

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