Silverstripe Php Senior C ( 3

Silverstripe Php Senior C ( 3
I need 1 or 2 senior coders who have a strong experience of the Silverstripe CMS, PHP, ajax, javascript and DB connections.

Perfet english speaker.

This is for a new project that finally got some more funding and could go on for 1 year or more, if the candidate proves himself suitable and the funds are garanteed.

I need someone operational now, full time (or nearly) who really does understand the Silverstripe platform and SVN systems because you will be working with a team already in place, commiting your work to our system at deadlines set by myself. You need to really pay attention to detail, work and delivery quality work as if it was for you, well tested so we don\\\’t have to go back and forth a hundred times to get a module working.

If you are not confident in using the silverstripe platform, but are a guru in php, javascript, jquery and want to learn the platform (it is way better than Drupal and co), let me know, I might be ok to give you a week or 2 to get used to the platform.

This is for a long term commitment, I need extremely good reactivity to change requests I or my clients will put it, so for example 2 or 3 days of no communication is no good to me, so please spare my time.

The wage will be paid monthly directly into your bank account.

If this partnering works well, there should be work for the next 2 or 3 years. This is a very exciting project and I am sure you will love to work with our team. I have to be very specific on the job specs because I have had numerous problems with non serious coders, who had too many projects, asked for more money in the middle of a project, do work not to make something nice but to get rid of the job as quickly and go surf instead or are just man in the middle giving work to somebody else thus including delays. So I need to avoid that, because I will see it quickly and stop 🙂

Happy Bidding



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