Need Online Shop

Need Online Shop

i need an online shop like perfectpetzzz [dot] com except the review module, and the tracking module, i’m open to any idea and suggestion, but it should be with PHP & MYSQL, can be build from scratch, or using oscommerce … if it oscommerce then your job is to design the template for it and integrate it

need simple design but cute, because it’s about cute pet dolls, combination color of white, pink and light blue would be perfect, i dont need fancy graphic, and must have fast-loading time

pls visit perfectpetzzz [dot] com to know what it’s all about and how the system works

pls send me the portfolio of you past job (if any), and this project also available to new comer. When the project is done, programmer should send the raw files like the PSD, Fonts, and Graphics (if any)

Happy Bidding….

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