Expressionengine Addon Dev.
Hi programmers,
i have that script migrated to mysql:
I´ve tried to implement it into Expression Engine but security of EE doesn´t allows me to make it go. I would need that complete script migrated to be an EE addon, module, extension, whatever works.
I´ve also tried to make the module my own, but I guess that goes out of my mind.
1. Everey voting needs to work with EE tags and inside Weblogs Entry Tag, like Expressionengine Addon Dev. to handle over the Title to be the voting_id.
2. The Admin interface needs to be working through EE´s CP aswell without loosing any provided function.
3. The addon for sure needs to use EE´s database classes, not those provided inside the script
Following link provides a simple module development tutorial:
I will provide as attachment some files of the script, what I think will be needfull to preview. The complete script will be provided uppon chosing the right programmer.
My budged is very low, hopefully there will be a way to do it 🙂