Auction Script With Extras
I am looking for someone who can create a custom auction script and install it on my web host. The features and options would be the same as a traditional auction service for the buyer and seller, such as Ebay. I can give you a full list upon request if needed. There are a few extras I would like to include. They are listed below:
User friendly admin features so I can easily change options/text on the site.
Multiple payment options (They choose what service to use other than PayPal)
Each time someone buys something (or wins the auction), they get a credit after paying. They earn 5% of the amount that they purchase. The credit appears in their account. The option with what to do with the credit is to cash out using a payment service. The amount would have to be at least $10.
The auction site is free to list (Except for banner advertising) but it would contain a final value fee of 10%.
The site may require future upgrades with new features. The person who designs the script for me will be the person I will contact to do the job. Upon my request at the time of the upgrade, I will also pay you.
If there is anyone who can help me create and install the script, it would be very much appreciated.