Spider&clone Artcles Directory
Would like to spider and clone selfgrowth d-tcom, and put the articles into my own articles directory.
I had a programmer install a script called Articles CRM. We customized a few features and the templates, but no major changes.
Articles CRM uses a mysql database on the webserver (we use host gator to host our sites). Articles CRM is written in PHP and is easily customized.
Important: I’d like to be able to run an update once a day to see if any new articles have been added to the original articles directory, and then spier them and bring them over to my articles directory.
If possible, I would like your coding to create an account on my directory for each individual author. And then create a random generated password. Then any articles that are spidered by the author on the original directory, would now be added to this author’s account that is now created on my own directory.