Ticket Broker Website
We are looking for someone to design/develop a ticket broker site that will be very similar to stubsearch.com ticketgenier.com I would also recommend that you look at those sites in detail before making a bid.
The site should look exactly same in Safari, Firefox and Explorer .
* Need xml ticket site using feed from TicketNetwork Direct or Event Inventory.
* seo friendly urls
* Ticket Network api docs here:
* Good script documentation and installation
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them BEFORE bidding!
We have a no-nonsense approach: we don’t intend to waste your time & talents – we expect a similar professional attitude from you.
Upon completion of a 100% working (including an admin section), smoothly running, fully automated & absolutely bug-free website, payments are made straight away.
A full working demo will be required before final payment.
Payment will be through escrow.