Openx Tracking Customizations
Please do not bid on this project unless you have previous OpenX experience, and include a mail or PMB with a brief description of that experience. Your bid will be ignored if you do not do this.
The goal of this project is to add an additional level of tracking that is more granular than campaigns. An optional tracking code is added to the standard banner url and it is tracked as a sub-statistic of the campaign. The project also includes extending the existing reporting to drill-drown campaigns into targets and see the impressions, clicks and sales and ratios for that target/campaign and the ability to export these statistics to CSV.
The way the link structure should work is the following:
1. Using a link code such as
3. The target parameter value, special-keyword needs to be recorded in the database. The target will be sub-statistic of the campaign, so all of the same statistics (Impressions, Clicks) that are recorded for a campaign, need to be recorded at the target level as well. Additionally, the target stats will always be for that campaign, two different campaigns may use the same targets, but the statistics are separate.
2. After the target is recorded, the page must refresh removing the target from the query string so that it does not appear in any http referrer logs on our advertiser’s server.
4. There will also be an integration point in the sale/action pixel to record the conversion at the target level in addition to the campaign level.
The stats would work in the following manner.
In the attached image you can see there are many campaigns on the left that are blanked out. The next column is the conversions. The conversions will show the pixel fires for that campaign. I would like to create a new column after Conversions called ‘Target Stats’. The ‘Target Stats’ column should be clickable to view the target stats. The target stats page should contain a link to download to .CSV for the currently selected date range. The ‘Target Stats’ page should look like the previous stats page but instead of the campaigns on the left the targets should be on the left. All other columns should remain (Conv., Impressions, Clicks, Click-Through Ratio, Rev., and ECPM).