Make Site Multilanguage
Dear programmer / designer,
I need a communtity profile website so be multilanguage.
I have templates now for a foreign language.
I want a template for the english language.
I think loading a different template when choosing a language will do the trick. Or am i wrong?
Language is hardcoded in the scripts. I need this to be put in lanuage files. Its not neccesary to put the complete website in english language file. If i know how to do it and get a headstart i can do it myself.
I prefer different langauge files for the different modules.
If you have another plan how to solve it, then i’m open for suggestions.
In short what needs to be done:
– make in the header 2 flags where people can select the language
and make sure the right template is used then.
– Make english template
– Make language files