My projects make use of UML documentation. I would need you to familiarize yourself with UML, if you are not already. UML is a visual language that makes designing object oriented applications easier as it aids in communication and in visualizing the application before its built. It can also be used to automatically generate code (mainly generating classes, with their attributes and operation names) which then provides a template from which the rest of the application can be coded. I am hoping to find someone who is willing to consider working within the UML software for the designing of classes and operation naming, etc as this can help cut down on errors and increase efficiency and if I need to hire additional programmers for a large-scale project this helps in communication.
The attached .zip file has more comprehensive info, including a few UML diagrams. Please spend a few minutes browsing through this to get an idea of how the project instructions are documented and let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for your interest and I hope to have a chance to work with you.