Saver Shipping Module:
Create shipping module for CRE Loaded B2B 6.4
1. Module to be “country” table based with options to add additional countries.
2. Tables must have at least 50 Weight/Items options… Tables must be uploadable.
3. Options for using Number of items in order, OR Order Total for shipping calculations.
4. Module must leave other shipping options intact, operational and selectable.
5. Include admin defined, to be inserted in module admin, by country, to be displayed on checkout_confirmation.php, printorder.php, checkout_shipping.php, shopping_cart.php as well as order confirmation e-mail and printed invoice.
6. When order total or total items meets admin defined amount (Free Shipping), Include admin defined text [text to be inserted in module admin],overriding Item 5 text, for each country, to be displayed on checkout_confirmation.php, printorder.php, checkout_shipping.php, shopping_cart.php as well as order confirmation e-mail and printed invoice.
See attached Excel file for sample table with examples.