I am having trouble aligning the three categories of boxes which you can see at pinpartnership.org. Currently on that page, which is working fine, we have two columns of profiles which appear randomly. What I am trying to do – and you can see my progress at http://pinpartnership.org/index.php/site/home/, is to have three columns, which each display one category (child slaves, children, and mothers). Each column should have two rows, which display profiles at random from the category in question.
I am using Expression Engine, but I believe that this is simply a matter of css, as the coding for getting the random boxes of the profiles in each category (and containing a photo and text) is already functioning perfectly, I believe.
You can see the code by signing into pinpartnership.org/pinsys, and signing in with Username Guest and Password scriptlance. Click on Templates, then scriptlance, and profiles (I’ve also given access to the code for our currently functioning mainpage, which is the template ‘homepage.’)
Let me know if you need any more information.