Multi-restaurant Delivery Site
Looking for a professional looking site at a budget friendly price. I am looking for a fully automated site for a multi-restaurant delivery service. Fully automated is key. I need an admin friendly site where restaurant menus can be added, edited, uploaded with ease. Next, the customer would need to be able to click on the main homepage on the restaurant’s logo and access the entire menu with links to each item on the menu with description under that. After iten link is clicked it will be put in order window with all options for cooking, sides, substitutes. after all items are ordered goes to checkout with added delivery fee and tax that needs to be able to record on the backend to quickbooks or other userfriendly acconting software. Checkout needs to have credit card, paypal, tip and driving direction box. After order is placed, a fax or email needs to be sent automatically to the restaurant with food order and order number and pickup time for driver. Following this needs to have an online work order in secure login for the drivers to get time sensitive delivery order with food order from mobile phone application, delivery time, customer name and address and any specific driving directions from customer.After delivery to customer is made, driver needs to be able to close out delivery work order with tip, to be recorded in accting software for payroll purposes. To get an idea of the frontend of the website go to
A bit advance I know, can it be done? This is a business I want to do on a shoe string budget. Thanks for your time and consideration.