Isc Custom Url/modrewrite Mod
I need a professional who is experienced with Interspire Shopping Cart (version 5.5.4, latest version) – ( to create a custom module for me that will allow to define custom URLs just like how wordpress allows slugs. The custom URL defined in the admin will be exactly the URL for that corresponding page. The custom URL field should be available for products, categories, and web pages (if you know Interspire you’ll know exactly what this means). The mod should be simple using the Interspire API
Placement of the custom URL field will be given upon acceptance of the individual/company who fulfills our requirements.
Again, you MUST be experienced with Interspire – Only experienced people/companies will be considered – Must be able to provide other examples of Interspire Modifications – NO EXCEPTIONS !!!
Upon successful completion of this project, if everything goes well, we will have further work on other Interspire projects.
In creating this mod you will release all rights to my company and you may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
You will also be required to give use EXACT documentation of what you did and how we can duplicate the mod to other Interspire websites.