Locali Events Website

Locali Events Website
I need two pages designed with Ajax functionality to submit information to a database and to pull and display information.

The first page is just a basic form that will have about a dozen input fields. A few of the inputs I need to have an ajax autosuggest feature to show a list of possible matches as the user types. One of the inputs needs to prompt the user with a dialog box to add a new entry with maybe 4-5 fields if they don’t choose one of the auto suggested results (as an ajax sub-submit form). I’d also need a picture uploader with a feature to force the user to select a square selection from the image and crop, resize (basically, just a thumbnail) and save the image to the server with a reference to it in the database. I’d also need a simple button to allow the user to upload a pdf attachment. Finally, I’d like to have a rich-text editor as one of the inputs, with a basic set of controls and the option to upload and add pictures, which would automatically be resized to 640×480 if larger than that.

Then a simple display page that pulls information from a simple GET request. Needs to just show the image, the information they entered in the text inputs and the information they entered in the rich-text container.

The main focus here is functionality. Site will be styled by a designer so you’re not required to be concerned about aesthetics. The database has already been built, but can be modified as required. You are welcome to use free libraries but this will be for a commercial site, so make sure the license permits this. The queries should use prepared statements to prevent SQL injections otherwise be secure. Some basic field validation will also be required.

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