App/scrip To Manage
This is a pretty simple and small project but I will give you as clear instructions as possible:
I need a desktop application OR a PHP-script that can create hostnames with .
This is the info I will enter in the application/script you make:
* My DynDNS username and password (I will create the accounts myself)
* 1-25 Domains I want to use (DynDNS got a huge list of domains to choose from, I will specify 1-25 of these domains)
* A IP the hostnames should be pointing to.
* I will also add a huge list of random names, the application/script should use a random name that it will use for the hostnames it creates.
(the application should also select a checkbox that the domains is Wildcard domains)
The application should then use this info to create hostnames on
After it have completed it should provide me with a CSV-file with all the info.
I want the full sourcecode for the application/script and the full right to do what I like with the source code.
I have attached a picture of how the application/script you make may look and also attached a picture of what add hostname-form looks like.