Product Attributes & More
I need a expert in oscmax / oscommerce / Zen Cart for 3 things:
1. I need to install a simple module, I need to be able to add prdt attributes right from the new prdt page on one site. So I can get example: a drop down list for color, size etc.. & make prdt attribute templates. I know you can do it from the prdt attributes page but it is a hassle to go in & out & back to the new prdt page, so this has to be in the new prdt page.
2. Another site has a shipping problem, you set the weight to 0 for free shipping but it gives you free shipping & still the minimum shipping rates, that needs to be fixed also. I want to be able to have free shipping, real time rates and flat rate shipping for all the different prdts. I already have the real time rates & shipping estimator working.
3. Another site done in Zen Cart I am experimenting with, I just need to add my logo on the home page and I am not good with that if someone can make the logo for or upload mine or just change the tagline name on the site – easy stuff but not for me.
I need this done in a day max, shouldn’t be that hard to do.
Do a good job & lot more projects for you.
VIP I need status of projects – great communication required.