Navigation Fix New

Navigation Fix New
Okay, since a lot of “coders” with no feedback were complaining I decided to cancel my other project and write a new one..

I have a website located at:

You will notice the top of the navigation if you click on like “login” or the stuff on the right nothing happens however if you go to click on login you get that filed, and all that, i need that navigation cut out, and put on the maxie site, if you scoll over opportunity, u get a drop down i need that drop down put on products with different links. I need this done today.

THIS is for ONE page not a million.

I need the top part the buttons, and search and all to be in an includes like


Then I need the navigation to be an a includes to like:

that way if I make a change to the navigation it will be displayed on ALL the websites I won’t have to go to page to page adding that one page..

Is this something you can do? I also need to make all the buttons but “video” and “shop” and “enroll” to have a drop down menu like opportunity.

If you go to you will see the buttons drop down, and the login drops down, and english and all that stuff. I don’t need search working but I wanna be able to “write into it” it will be used into s earch later.


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