Facebook App. (picture Rating)

Facebook App. (picture Rating)
I am looking for an EXPERIENCED Programmer who can create the following Facebook application for me:

Brief Description: Profile picture rating.

Application should allow users to rate their friend’s profile pictures in a very similar manner as the website (www.hotornot.com).
-Random friend profile pictures are displayed and user can (ANONYMOUSLY) rate/skip.

Users should also be able to:
-See their average rating (given by others).
-See who they have rated (ex: if rating is from 1-10, they should be able to see all the 10s, 9s, 8s, etc…) sorted in categories by rating #.
-See their top 10

This application should also have a “FREEMIUM” version where users can pay a small fee for extra features such as (but not limited to):
-See their friend’s top 10.
-See the rating that others gave them (ex: if rating is from 1-10, click on rating# and see who gave that rating).
-This means that users should be able to make payments.
-Specific minor details will be provided as soon as bidding is complete.

IMPORTANT: Interface needs to be user friendly, and as simple as possible. No flashy, “artistic” designs.

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

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