Submission Manager

Submission Manager
Poetry submission manager.

Goal: To assist both editors and poets in managing poetry submissions.

Basic description:

Many publications exist online for the purpose of printing the works of poets and authors. Typically, poets submit their poems to magazines by email or by regular mail. However, recently, many magazines have begun using electronic submission managers. Some examples include:

Submission – The poem or story an author sends to the magazine for consideration.
Poet – The person who sends a submissions for consideration.
Editor – The person who accepts or rejects submission.

Features for Poets:
• Ability to signup and login
• Submit poems to the editors queue by pasting into form or attaching a file.
• Ability to see the status of submission (Accepted, Rejected, Pending)
• Will receive an email when the status has changed.

Features for Editors:
• Ability to view the queue in chronological order.
• Ability to view submissions and change the status from pending to Accepted or Rejected.
• Ability to search and view old submissions by date, author name or city.
• Ability to enter private notes for internal use only.
• Ability to charge a fee for submissions or set to free. (PayPal only)
• Ability to group submissions by edition. (i.e. all submissions are grouped together until a new group is formed. Groups can be viewed as a collection)

Poets will need to accept Terms of Service document before they can submit.
Signup requires proper captcha.
The script should be PHP with mysql.

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