Customer Login System

Customer Login System

I am creating a website that will have several clients who need to login and view their account information. I need to have a registration and login page, forgot username and password, and registration confirmation email as well. Also, clients should create their account by entering a username, email address, password, address, and phone. When they log in, there has to be the ability for clients to edit that information. Also, there has to be a way that I can enter updates on their account, for example, there must be an area that lists the different projects I am working on for them, and the status of those projects, like, “in process” “complete” “almost complete.” I can create a static page to show you what I am talking about so you have an idea of what I want it to look like. I would write this myself except I am not good at writing PHP. I don’t expect somebody who knows what they are doing to take more than 3 hours to do something like this. Also it needs to be secure and work with an SSL certificate.
Please let me know what other information you need to give me your final bid.

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