Php Smarty Expert Only

Php Smarty Expert Only
Hello and thanks for reviewing my project.

I need an expert php person who knows smarty templates fluently.

I need a person to work with me right now via Yahoo message for the next few hours until job is complete. No multi tasking. I am so serious when I say I guarantee that this is harder than it sounds.

If you are not a total 110% smarty php expert Please do not waste my time and yours. I will pay you and leave bad feedback I don’t care. Experts only. I want this job completed without headaches.

The Project:

Work with me over the next 3-4 hours until the job is complete via yahoo messanger and help me switch over from current payment processor to paypal in my shopping cart.

The customer pays …and will hit return to merchant …we need to decode paypals string …take some data from paypal string and do some mathmatics from existing data plus new data and then place into user sql table after payment

The site is already working this way but with a different processor and I can help a lot and show you everything.

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