Php Site With Mysql Cms

Php Site With Mysql Cms
We need to have a website built in PHP with a custom built MySQL CMS.

The design of the site has been created. See attachments to get an idea. (see note from designer at the bottom of the spec)

Some of the coding has already been done as well although I am not sure how useful this would be.

The site needs to be uploaded to our host.

The pages to be created are:

Front Page

Front Page Random Display of content from other pages in 3 fields on the bottom.

Random video displayed in main window from the video materials in the tool box section.

Search field – needs to work against text all over the site.

About us

Text with 2 windows to the right introducing 2 people. Links from these two opens in new windows. (we need to be able to change these pics and text from cms)

Testimonials – this opens to a testimonials page. This can have text testimonials, or videos. We need to be able to upload these as well from cms.

Media Page. This opens to a separate page. Again we need to be able to change text and images from cms.

Contact Us forms. Entries from this goes into database. E-mail to go out to notify us.

Tool Box

This page will have a lot of video materials. They need to be organized in categories and we need to be able to upload them, add text and place them in a category. (the categories are in the red lower field.

Videos should open on a separate page.

This page also has a subscription form. Data from this needs to go into the database and e-mails sent out to notify us. s


This page has a text field and three boxes with text and images on the right hand side. Links from these opens on separate pages.

We need to be able to upload photos and edit text.

The Game

This page has 6 main sectionis very similar to the tool box page except the right hand side will have

Live feed of golf events worldwide. We will provide the source for this.

History of golf. This opens to separate page listing history of golf events. Each listing opens to separate page. Text and 2 images. Editable in cms

Great golf courses. Same as history of golf

Golf quotes. This should randomly display golf quotes. We should be able to upload them in cms.

Golf holidays on right hand side. Changeable from CMS.

Video section. This is a separate video section from the toolbox, but done in the same way. This intro should lead to a separate page listing them – then each should open in a separate page.


WordPress blog integrated. Should be editable from CMS


Listings of products and sorted under categories (dropdown menu on the right hand side). We need to be able to upload and describe the products through CMS. Shop linked up to paypal.


Attach google analytics code.

Social media links on all pages (tab on lower right hand side)
All text editable from cms should have rich text editing.

CMS (custom made)

Store names from all forms etc.
Ability to edit text on all pages (rich text)
Ability to upload and change images and videos. The videos will also have a text field on the side.
Ability to upload shop products and set prices

Note from designer a suggestion for coders regarding the background.  this kind of multiple background is doing using a pattern (aprox 200x200px) for both noise backgrounds, instead a repeated big images (how is it now, with 1258px on wide on one). At bigger resolutions the background isnt match correct (see that repeating model), also on footer doesnt look ok. the bottom edge should be clear like on sides (see home page original screenshot). If they want to use that circle  / light effect from psd over bottom background, then should be used like png over the dark grey on. background.

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