Video/webinar Webpage Setup

Video/webinar Webpage Setup
I’m looking to get a site setup I have this script installed on my server – which does mostly what we want accept we need to be able to add the following information. This is example of what our objective but have most of the script now but want to alter it a bit and fix it up.

1. Have it set so that if we set a time and date that when someone enters the site and or webinar from a link it will start wherever it was playing so example if they are 10 mins late it will already be playing 10 mins into the presentation.

2. I want the ability to have these features also see this video I did this is another site that has most of the features I want but I want to customize what I have a bit more.

So basically my objective is to simply have what we do twice a day on Gotomeeting/webinar and have it set on a schedule so it is automated and no interaction necessary. We also want it to be able to rotate different video presentation of various types we do so it is changed up and different for each presentation we do.

Get with me if you have further questions of this is the jist of what I’m looking for on this project.

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