Agent Grader Php/mysql/ajax

Agent Grader Php/mysql/ajax


This is a project that grades real estate agents based on their performance. Basically, this is a site for home buyers and sellers to look up data on real estate agents’ sales transactions, including total homes sold, average selling prices & time to between initial listing & closing. When someone clicks the Buyer button, the response should be a ranked listing of real estate agents depending on data from 3 categories: Total Homes Sold, Average Sales Price & Time to Sale.

This ranking is determined not only by each agent’s totals in each category, where higher is better in Total Homes Sold & Avg Sales Price and shorter is better in Time to Sale. So each agent receives a score in each category, which adds up to his final score. That final score determines his ranking in the list presented to the buyer or seller. At this point, each category is equal in importance – so an agent’s score in Total Homes Sold is equal to his score in Avg Sales Price and Time to Sale. So each agent’s ranking in each category has a Weight is of .33.

This is a PHP/Mysql based website. Right now,I have designed the database and done the front-end and back-end (PHP) scripting already. When one clicks on the buyer/seller button(s), it directs to a page to weigh the agents based on the above mentioned parameters. This functionality should be implemented with a javascript slider as seen in . The buyer or seller should see 3 horizontal sliders: for Importance in each of 3 categories: Total Homes Sold, Average Sales Price & Time to Sale. The range for each slider is from low to high. The function of each slider is to allow the Seller or Buyer to decide how low or high the Importance Weight should be for each filter and category. So when the Seller or Buyer moves each slider, we will vary the Weight given to each category. So if the Buyer or Seller decides he wants Avg Sales Price to be more important than Total Home Sold, he moves the Avg Sales Price slider from its medium starting point to high. We then change the Weight assigned to Avg Sales Price from .33 to .5 and lower the Weight on the other two categories to .25

NOTE: This project is very Simple but URGENT. I need it done in a max of 2 days. I have done the backend in PHP/MySQL and the frontend in css/html. I have hosted the website at a temporary host site at:

You can check to see the other files/scripts I have written. The developer of this project should be a PROFESSIONAL and EXPERT with PHP, HTML/CSS, MYSQL and AJAX.


When one tries to login as:
username = admin
password = admin

you are granted access to the home page where transaction should begin. And the buyer/seller buttons should link to the javascript sliders(read below to see more details). This is a FULL FUNCTIONAL website and over 70% of it is already done.

While on this project, I will send you some contents to add on to the website. The developer of this project should use the MVC structure already used in writing the PHP files. View the index pages to see how they contain only echoed functions that call other pages(../functions/templates). Please study the codes I have already written.

Does this make sense? Please ask questions as you have any.

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