Magento Buttons

Magento Buttons
In the inventory section of the items configuration, there would be 3 check boxes available to be checked.

Order On Request

Each one of these has its own button that will appear instead of the “Add to Cart” Button or the “Place Backorder” Button.

The Pre-Order and Order on Request will be able to be added to the cart and purchased. The Discontinued would not be a clickable button. We still want to have the discontinued models on the site, as some of those items drive them to the site.

We may run into issues, but this is the general idea. As far as charging them, we charge in advance on every single order. Authorizing a card and then “attempting” to charge it later just creates issues. We have that in our store policies.

We would like to make the checked boxes superceede all other requirements. For instance we will have 0 qty in stock, but the pre-order button will still be able to purchase the item. Also, we might show 100 of a discontinued item in stock, but if its check discontinued the discontinued button would appear and the order would not be able to be ordered.

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