
This project has a few aspects to it:

Add Freight Estimate without having to sign up as a Customer – the customer should only be required to enter a zip code on the shopping_cart.php page in a section called “Calculate Shipping” and click a button that says something like “Go” and then the negotiated rates from UPS should appear (using our settings in the UPS Shipping Module) for the Ground Shipping method – without having to click the checkout button or sign up as a customer. We can be flexible for how this actually works (let’s communicate on this if you have any ideas), but ideally, I would like this to work somewhat similar to how it does on www.academyfence.com.

Fix the error processing credit card page (checkout_payment.php) so it provides more detail when there is a problem. See the attachment or, to replicate the issue, try to check out and enter the wrong exp date on the form. You will see that there is no msg to the customer that describes the problem. The only notification that they receive appears in the address window of the browser, but not on the webpage itself. Customers who enter their info incorrectly probably have no idea that the info is incorrect and they probably end up not completing the transaction.

Fix the error w/the Product Specials – when we click on a Product Special it jumps to the Shop.php page instead of straight to the product we want. It should go straight to the Product we want – and this should continue to function this way after we change the Product Special to another product.

Fix the 2 errors w/the State – When the customer goes to check out and clicks the “continue” button to become a new customer (create_account.php):
1. State needs to be a drop down box (not a free form field)
2. If they fill out the form and click the “continue” button everything is fine if they entered all the info correctly. But if they entered ANY wrong info (for example a Street Address that was too short) it informs them of the mistake that they need to correct – which is good – but the problem is that the State will now default back to “AL” even though they may have initially entered something else. If they do not catch that the State was changed to “AL” then that is how it is saved. So to fix this, if they make a mistake on the form and click “continue” it should not change the State to “AL”, but, rather, it should retain the State selection that they made initially.

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